Wednesday 7 December 2011

Spring up, Spread love! JOIN US(:

Ever thought about how the elderly living alone in 1-room flats spend their Chinese New Year (CNY)?

When other families get together for reunion dinners,
they have no one at home to even say “春节好!” (Happy CNY);

When children happily exchange presents and receive ang pows,
they can only imagine such a scene in their lonely, dimly-lit rooms;

When relative share new hopes and dreams,
they wonder if they are able to pay off this month's electricity bill...

This spring, JOIN US and spread your love and care for the needy elderly living in Bukit Merah by
COMING DOWN to support our CNY performance in Bukit Merah (21 Jan 2012 10-12am) and befriend the elderly;
VOLUNTEER to visit the elderly’s homes and be their FAMILY (weekday afternoon 21 Jan – 10 Feb tentatively);
PURCHASE our specially designed T-shirts to raise funds;
and many more…

Don’t hesitate. LET’S

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